AOQUN Has The Ability To Make Better Brush Seals For 10X10 Dock Doors

AOQUN Has The Ability To Make Better Brush Seals For 10X10 Dock Doors

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Aoqun has continuously improved itself, and has become one of the best brush manufacturers in China. There are enough brush seals for 10×10 dock doors. What should be paid attention to when purchasing?

The selection of Brush seals for 10×10 dock doors needs to be combined with the use environment. The selection of PA that requires long-term sweeping has good soft recovery and is not easy to deform. Static assembly is only a choice of PP for sealing, which can achieve sealing effects and be more economical.

There are three ways to fix the brush seals for 10×10 dock doors: one is to match the aluminum profile with 3M double-sided adhesive; the other is to fix the aluminum profile with screws; the third is to directly slot the door to insert and fix it.
Brush seals for 10×10 dock doors supporting fixed profiles: Aoqun has more than 40 profiles to choose from, of which M01 / M02 / M03 / M09 / M15 / M16 are commonly used, which can be adapted to various door bodies.
Color: Usually black wool and silver profile, the color can be customized according to the door body.
With its business philosophy of “Professional, Dedicated and Attentive”, Aoqun continuously learns, innovates and progresses in order to build an excellent national brand. Buy brush seals for dock doors, find Aoqun!


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AOQUN Has The Ability To Make Better Brush Seals For 10X10 Dock Doors